old guy wrote:
It always amazes me when some one can't see or hasn't seen something happen such as the cables eating through the walls of a slide out and when things get out of alignment. guys like vulcaneer need to get out more often and see what the rest of the world is really like other than just new england. things do and will happen, remember if it's man made it is subject to failure. so vulcaneer you can WTF all you want just pay attention.
Well here is my problem. The cables attach to the walls of the slide out. They don't pass through the walls off the slide out. So tell me again how they can be "eating through the walls of a slide out?" And they jump out of the holes in the slide to do that?
Now I can see how they might rub on the walls of the trailer. And if left out of adjustment, they might wear the sides of the holes (in the trailer walls) they pass through. But this is if mis-aligned or left unmaintained. But cable rubbing was an issue on a few early versions, before manufacturers were more diligent about positioning the cables, and pulleys. Not so much in modern units.
So I guess, if that is what your are referring to, I'll have to say that it may have happened. But it is not at all a widespread problem.
old guy wrote:
one bad thing about cable slides is they will jump out of the holes going into the slides and will eat through the walls of the slide. see it on a few units we worked on
I actually own a trailer with cable slides. The biggest problem is most RV tech's have not been trained on how to correctly adjust or align them.