I appreciate all the responses. I am going to print them all out and the next time my friend who is way more mechanically inclined than I am (I am 0% - he is 10,000%) is here we will start going thru this thing fuse by fuse. When we first moved the RV the air was working properly, Now with going on 6 weeks of high 90's and low 100's with no end in sight for at least another week....the air in the RV has stopped working also.
The house air went out last week and we cannot get the house temps below 85 - day or night. So finally a 5 ton A/C will be installed tomorrow. Once we can get back to a stable environment here and rebuild the savings account a bit, we will tackle the RV issues. I will surely let you know what we find out.
Thanks so much for all your help and ideas.