Forum Discussion

vermeire's avatar
Jun 27, 2014

Small divided toy hauler

I may be looking for the non-existent but I'm going to ask. I came across a 2005 Frost River TH that has a separate living area and garage. Most of the TH's I've seen have the garage overlapping with the living area to a certain degree. The idea of having a truly separate are for my intended purpose is ideal however the model I found is a 30' trailer and has a GVW a few thousand more than is ideal. What I'd like to get some insight on is what smaller trailers have a divided living/garage areas.

As of right now I have no tow vehicle, no toy, and no travel trailer so I can't give you an idea of what I need except to tell you I am hoping to use a TH to make a cross country move. Having a wall between the garage area will allow me to pack boxes in this area and not have to worry about them falling into the living area during transit. I would love to find something in the 22-26' range that has a 8'+ garage, GVW under 9000, and I only need sleeping accommodations for 4. Like I said, this may be impossible but if it is out there I'd like to know about it. If anyone knows of an older model that might be close to these specs please let me know. Thanks.
  • Check out the stealth RG2810.

    Good luck in your search!!
  • Great floorplan but still bigger than I am looking for. Thanks!!

    JMT2 wrote:
    Check out the stealth RG2810.

    Good luck in your search!!
  • If you're looking for a fifth wheel you'll be hard pressed to find anything that small with a separate garage, about the shortest I've seen is a tad over 30' and I believe it was a Rampage but could be wrong.

    If its a tag trailer then you might find something but the separate garage is a tough one because you won't have much left, certainly won't get a separate bedroom.
  • You looking for a TT? The only ones I can really find are around 30 feet long that has a separate garage. With a TT you don't need a huge truck.

    I was looking at a few before I decided on a 5th wheel. We had to upgrade our 1/2 ton to a 1 ton pick up once we go tthe 5th wheel.

    here are some suggestions:

    this one is 27 feet. Looks like a separate 9' garage from Keystone. A TT.

    There was one with a nice sliding glass door between the garage and the living space that was a TT. I can't remember the name of it but I'll keep looking.
  • Weight-wise these may fit the bill, but they are a little longer than what you were wanting. It will be very difficult to find a "shorter" pull trailer that has the separation.

    lightweight toyhauler
  • Coachmen 301BLDS has a glass sliding door.

    The Hyper Lite 27 HFS has a separate garage but not a sliding glass door.

    What do you want to know about bumper pull TH's? I've been researching them for about two months now.

    I stopped looking as of today, My 08 Ram 1500 won't tow anything. Your tow vehicle is important, what are you looking to get?