Forum Discussion

wildbyon's avatar
Jul 23, 2013

Smell - Pipe Air Vents

We had that terrible sewer smell in our 5w this past weekend. Seemed to be strong in the stairway going up to the bedroom. It wasn't there all the time. So, I'm checking all the vents out...all open to the roof; so far only found one of the air intake vents under the kitchen sink to be replaced. Does each sink or tank or toilet have one of these or is there only one in the plumbing system?
  • my experience with this issue was during high humidity/moist air will not vent well
  • The thing under the sink is just for the sink itself. The tanks will have their own vents which are sometimes hidden. I have one that terminates just under the roof vent for my fridge, so you can't see it from the roof unless I remove that cover.
  • In my rig, there is an autovent under the cabinet for the kitchen sink and both bathroom lavs. Also one in the cabinet behind the washer/dryer. These are for the grey tank.

    Typically the black tank vents to the roof.
  • I have three or four on mine.Should be able to look on roof to verify it.