Weight, weight, weight!!! We went from an Outback BH to a Voltage TH. We upgraded the truck first...the trailer, fully loaded for us to hit the road is 19,600. We have a few hundred to spare, but she is heavy. Even with my shiny new truck with the 14k GVWR package, we are barely within the numbers. With the dog, fuel, and people, we are 13,900, verified last month, though I do have a 100 gallon aux tank, if not for that, we would have plenty of weight to spare, but would have to fuel during the day, instead of at night.
I think you will find the TH to be made of heavier materials, since it will take more of a beating than a non TH.
The length definitely will knock some parks out of contention. Some of our favorite places are no longer an option, or there aren't enough big spots.
Not sure if I saw it, but the generator on board is great. The DW fires the generator up and starts setting up and cooling the coach until I get around to hooking up power.