I couldn't believe how many people saw their class a as a status symbol. We are moving to a DRV Atlanta (should be ready end of May) from the rig in our sig. Many many people we mentioned it to where like:
"why are you downgrading to a 5VR?"
We said that we didn't see it as a downgrade, in fact the 5ver was much nicer and roomier than any class A we've been in. Including 7 figure coaches.
The blank looks on their faces were priceless. There are a lot of people out there that simply see towables as a downgrade. Look at the Class A only resorts, they would rather a 32ft 8 year old Hurricane than a new 45ft elite suites. Doesn't make sense to me but that is why I don't live there in the first place.
People can be really weird about some things.