Forum Discussion

dedmiston's avatar
Jul 05, 2016

Source for 12v batteries

A friend of mine is looking for a source for 12v batteries and recommendations. He has room for two on the tongue of his hauler.

I would help him myself, but I've been using four 6v batteries for years and haven't had to shop for 12v in a long time.

One thing to note: This is his first RV and his first venture into the twelve volt way of life. He's a bright guy, but since this is his first experience there is a good chance he will inadvertently abuse these batteries and they might not last long before he gets his legs under him. So low price might be good until he takes off the training wheels.
  • We just did this on 6v batteries, but I can't imagine the answers are much different for 12v.

    Sounds like Walmart might be a good place for his first 'sacrificial' batteries.