Wow.. thanks for everyone's input.. so from what I gather of all the response..
1. level rig.
2. if on propane, make sure purge line.
3. if on shore, nothing needed to purge.
4. hit reset on back of rig.
does that sound like the sum of the basic to try?
If so, here are the things I have tried.
1. the rig is somewhat level.. on pave driveway, not super level if I put a ball on floor of the trailer it will run.. I would say it is about about 3-5 degrees angle.
2. The rig is initially plugged to shore power. I have run the burner and the furnace in the rig is also running on propane and they were both on and working/heating while I was out there. I also switched the appliance to propane and notice the "click" noise when I did but the E3 error still shows up. I powered on an off while in that mode too.
3. This was initially the mode I was using.
4. I went to the back of the rig and notice something that looks like a fuse holder.. see image here: I am not sure if anything goes in there, it was twisted together, I untwisted it to see if there was a fuse in there, but nothing was there.
I also press what looks like the reset switch under that black cover, but I did not feel like there was anything there. I took a flashlight to try to look in the hole, but it did not look like there was any button that could be depress.
I also looked around and to the right of the wires.. I saw some cables that does not look like normal.. is this a damage wire, or is this some sort of protective cover on the wires see image here:
If you notice the white plastic is heat damage. The wires looks like heat damage to me too, but there are parts of it that has different colors of what looks like the black tar.
I also notice, the drain holes had a plastic tape over the black hose that goes out to the exterior of the wall.. so I removed it just in case it needed to drain.
Thanks for everyone's suggestion. I did get an email back from the dealer and his response to the photo's said he did not think it was normal.
I have not gone through the whole rig, but structurally, it feels solid for what I think. I will photo all the wire/cable egress and ingress points for reference in a future post of what I found.
Thank you for everyone's support.