azdryheat wrote:
My trailer came with the TrailAir-TriGlide hitch, which I think the other posters are referring as it dampens forward/aft movement in addition to the verticle. The TrailAir, by itself does not do that as it is only an air bladder.
I would avoid the TRI-Glide as mine failed. Two of the three rollers failed leaving only one roller to keep my 41 footer attached to the hitch. I now have just the TrailAir and love it.
I think they STOPPED selling those?? They were replaced by the Flex-Air, which I have and LOVE..
My tri-glide was failing and Lippert told me tough luck, so I upgraded myself. Many folks over on the Redwood forums are also having issues with the tri-glide and now Lippert is sending replacement bottoms to some at no cost.
To the OP.. I had the fifth airborne on my last fiver and loved it... i now have the flex-air on this fiver and love that also..