Forum Discussion

shadows4's avatar
Explorer III
Jun 24, 2015

Stolen truck update. 2nd Final update!

The truck was delivered to the Ford dealer on Monday afternoon. The Service manager and the insurance adjuster went over the truck together this afternoon. The only damage found so far was to the steering column and the drivers door lock.

They had a mechanic look over all the fluids, transfer case, transmission and running gear. Nothing out of the ordinary was found. I told them I insist on them doing a tranny service and a front end aliagnment. I may end up having to pay for these services myself but so be it. It will be for my peace of mind.

So if all goes well I should have the truck back in a couple of days. Just in time for our Branson trip.

Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement during this ordeal. My wife and I both felt so violated. Terrible feeling, hope none of you have to go throught this. Again Thanks, John

Here is the link to my previous thread.