Mar 25, 2016Nomad
Straight from B&W
OK, guys. Here's the straight scoop from a B&W engineer. As I contended in another thread, he said that the Turnover Ball base and Companion FW hitch =system=, carries the vast majority of the pin l...
rhagfo wrote:Me Again wrote:
Some engineer has trick mirrors.
The weight of the fifth wheel is place on the hitch which is transferred to the bed floor which has top hats that sit on the trucks frame. The gooseneck ball does not hold up anything!!! Period!
Beds have been deformed and will continue to be deformed from hitches that mount like this.
A basic high school physics class could figure this out.
:S :h :S
Is this all that hard for you "The ball adapter carries the weight" to figure out!!
40# of torque applied to the Draw Down Bolt, does two things.
1. It presses the the hitch base snug to the bed floor.
2. It applies the same 40 ft. lb. of LIFTING force to the TO ball adapter.
Now before the ball adapter can support any thing it needs to go back down the same distance that it was raised up when torquing the draw down bolt. Say it is 1/8" maybe 1/16" now the force on the bed is the 40 ft. lb. of torque on the bolt, and the weight of TO adapter until it bottoms out.
Keep in mind 40# of torque applies, far more force than setting 40# of stuff on the hitch!
I will Respectfully disagree with the "Engineer" you spoke with at B&W, and agree 100 percent with Chris!