N-Trouble wrote:
WyoTraveler wrote:
RVing isn't cheap. My MH and toad is $2500 a year for tags:B
For you...
That's crazy. And that's coming from someone in CA.
For "N-Trouble" (in No. CA) and WyoTraveler....
The "tags" on a MDT - Medium Duty Truck registered in CA will easily match Wyo-Traveler's $2500.......PLUS (now) you are req'd to stop at scales!! (Doesn't matter if you're towing your personal 5th wheel).
Bucks! $$ - It's a state by state thing.
States derive their revenue...one way or another.
It's appropriately called..."BOHICA" (Bend Over Here It comes Again)
The CA thing.......
In CA, besides expensive annual registration (tags) every pickup -including vehicles like a Chevy Avalanche with a tiny bed- must be registered as a commercial vehicle. Been that way forever!
*NO* non-commercial or "private truck".
(Yes there are a few - very, very few exceptions - and almost all of those have recently been eliminated)
When my pickup was new CA registration = $670.
(which included $225. for commercial plates)
South Dakota, private truck = $65. (Same year, same p/up)
CA neighbor bought a new gas MH - same time - about *twice* the price of my pickup. His CA registration was about $100 *LESS*.
(no commercial fees)
CA - my 2006 Jayco (34' 5th) is currently $278.
CA - 2005 1T pickup is currently $129.
(Would be $354, but don't have to pay the $225 commercial fee as DW is handicapped)
CA negatives on RV purchases - besides the registration fees - about 9% sales tax (varies slightly by county)..:(.......
However -(the CA "Bonus"..:C)..) - take delivery out-of-state, and keep it out of state for 1 year (you are supposed to be traveling in it and provide receipts to the BOE) and CA will waive the sales tax.
(Won't help with registration fee/s)
BTW - don't even *think* LLC in CA!!