Doom and gloom. We'll figure it out, we always have. The auto makers want us to buy big trucks. The Rv manufacturers want us to buy RV's. Demand will promote a solution. Personally I don't see EV's being the silver bullet they claim it to be. Too many issues not the least of which is the ability to produce enough power to tow equivalent to what truck and RV owners need. Never mind the caustic waste to manufacture batteries, the ecological damage to mine the materials, continued dependency on foreign nations, the finite supply of required materials, continued reliance on an already taxed power grid, no long term plan for battery disposal and the hazardous waste, the massive depreciation on vehicles once their batteries expire... the list goes on and on. Sure fossil fuel is expensive, so will electricity when demand goes up. EV's wouldn't exist by way of competitive capitalism. They've been around before ICE's and never took off on their own. They required an almost complete funding from subsidies and manipulated "facts" to force it. Musk isn't/wasn't the richest man in the world because of selling EV's. He got paid with tax dollars. EV's haven't solved a single problem, they just created different ones and kicked the can down the road. This isn't capitalism or free market.