Forum Discussion

frizfreleng's avatar
May 19, 2019

They don't make em like they used to.

Returning to RVing after maybe 13 years. On this and other forums read much about Rvs being made with less quality (cheaply) than in the past. So here is my limited anecdotal evidence in support of that contention. I have a 2004 Keystone Cougar 5th wheel. So after 15 years of service the the dead bolt on the door lock quit. Purchased a new one. Indistinguishable from the original. Heavy, all metal construction. When bolting the inner and outer halves together the 4 screws were about 1/4" short of mating the two halves. I had the 4 bolts from the original lock so I used them. Called the vendor to let him know. He replied, "no those are the standard length bolts that fit the thickness of today's doors". So, I concluded that today's doors are thinner hence less cost to manufacture. Unfortunately, unit sale price has not followed door cost. So, what say you Dr. Watson?
  • My 04 Komfort was nearly flawless. The only issue I had was a recurring minor leak on the inlet line fore the toilet. The inlet tube was just a hair short and it would loosen up and drip. I semi-seriously considered building a new rig built on the heavy Zieman frame... ;-)

  • They don't make em like they used to.

    Having owned three truck campers and three 5th wheel trailers from the '60s up to the '97 era I'm sure glad.
    Same with our LDTs.
  • It's not only the prices of the RV it's the taxes. Growing up in KS had a 3 percent sales tax, now it's 9 percent. Personal property tax, paid each year along with tag fees have risen as well. In KS maximum devaluation occurs after 10 years, does not get any cheaper after that. By keeping my vehicles and RV'S maintained I save a lot of money on taxes and insurance.

    More money for fuel and travel.
  • After thinking about it my first trailer a 96 Seahawk was built very well, my 03 Streamlite was not even though built by the same company. Through the years they have found ways of cutting cost and the price of entry level trailers has not risen much compared to vehicles.

    The biggest absence is the disappearance of premium manufacturers like Travel Supreme, Holliday Rambler, Excel, NuWa, Forks RV, Newmar trailers and fifth wheels, DRV and a few others.

    Small manufacturers cannot compete with the buying power of the big companies such as Forest River and Thor. Look at all the companies that use to be independent that have been purchased by these two conglomerates.

    The price of high end trailers has risen to a point the average family cannot afford one. I was looking on the New Horizon RV Web site and a top of the line show model was $254,000. Look at Newell coaches prices most start over a million dollars.
  • Having a 1996 Vogue( a fairly decent made MH in its day), you are right on the money. The construction, the fit and finish, the use of quality components are not even close to being equal in todays market. While having multiple slides and every electronic gadget one can imagine is Great, I'll take well built before anything else. IMHO