Capri and gmw-Thanks for the comments. Bad99ram not so much-I believe you are the only one to be negative to me.
To be honest-I was not aware of the warranty being honored for the original vehicle only until pointed out by BFG and confirmed when I read the warranty. Seems like I am not the only one unaware of it.
I hope some are now informed of BFG's and possibly other manufacturer's position as to their tires. I will move on now and go to the Firestone store and get some TransForce tires.:)
As I have been typing my messages and thinking about responses I wonder how many people have had BFG tires replaced on the trailers as a result of failures. I suspect more than a few under the right circumstances. As an example: What if I went to a dealer with that tire and he said that it was defective and adjusted the tire without calling BFG and the word "camper" never came up? I went to a dealer who didn't want to get involved with an adjustment but knew I was traveling and needed a spare.
Luke Porter responded to my post that Michelin paid for new tires and damage. Me Again commented that Discount Tire in Phoenix replaced a friends tire. I would be interested in further details although I will not pursue this issue any further. I was checking several national tire dealers on line and happened to click on a few comment posts. There was a few that stated this same tire had thrown treads on their vehicles and that there was a known issue with these tires doing that. First I had heard of that and maybe the comments were incorrect or just by an upset consumer. Doesn't matter now.
The email response from BFG had a link for a survey. Haven't opened it yet but will fill it out.