Forum Discussion

threehendersons's avatar
Aug 27, 2013

Tire Traker pressure monitor - possible interference issues?

We have a 2013 Ford F250 diesel truck with the GPS/navigation package and a 35' 5th wheel. Installed a Tire Traker pressure monitoring system but having trouble getting the unit to update pressures. The pressures will update when I hold the monitor and remove and then replace the sensors but no further update occurs, even after waiting for 30+ minutes. Tried moving the sensors to the truck tires to see if distance was the problem but still don't get a pressure update.

Called the Tire Traker rep and they said that a booster was needed and likely the problem was interference with the GPS/navigation or diesel engine. This was news to me and wanted to hear if anyone else has had a similar problem. I was trying to stay away from installing a booster and also wondering if that is really the problem/solution?

Thanks in advance for any guidance/suggestions.
  • We have a 2006 F250 SD and a 30ft Fiver....We installed the Tire Traker pressure monitoring system and haven't had any issues with the GPS or Tire Traker...our GPS is external however...monitors all the tires on the rig without an issue.....
  • I installed a back-up camera, had a GPS, a TPMS and the phone all on the dashboard of the truck. I can tell you they didn't like it. The GPS only worked half the time. I put the little camera auxiliary antenna in the back window and that helped a lot.