Splashers3 wrote:
I totally agree with Cummins2014.....how heavy your trailer weighs makes all the difference in tire choice.
I love my Westlake G rated tires....when time to replace it will either be them again, or Sailun 637s.
I had new Westlakes on the new to us fifth wheel we bought a few months ago , was skeptical about them not hearing much about them . I decided to sell them and get the Sailuns . They were identical to the Sailuns , couldn’t tell them apart other then the name on them . They too were an All Steel radial .
There is several of these All Steel radials showing up from overseas, I have the feeling they are going to prove out being the same quality as the Sailuns. Westllake being one getting into the G rated game . Unfortunately there is not a G rated tire made in the US with the 4000 lb rating or higher that I’m aware of . Big reason you are seeing these overseas tires showing up as OE on the new fifth wheels . I know the 2020 Bighorns come with the G rated Westlakes .