I think the OP has made his decision, but just in case someone else reads this and is in a similar situation, I thought I would clear something up. On the deposit issue. It is 100% illegal for a dealer to keep a deposit on an in stock unit. Factory orders, yes. On the lot, no. Anyways, congrats on the new toyhauler and dually. Heartland is a great brand IMHO. Also, if upgrading your TV, a DRW is the way to go. Not sure on the new Chevy's and Dodges, but Ford SRW 350s and 250s are IDENTICAL other than the helper spring and taller block under the spring pack on the 350's. Same axles, brakes, trans, etc. Oh, and there is no such thing as "show prices." The dealer can give you that deal at any time. It's just a sales technique to make buyers think they better hurry and make a purchase before the show is over. Same price on Monday with some negotiation.