dennyida wrote:
Good morning to all. Being new to 5th wheel ownership I have to ask this question concerning this topic. Do I understand that the truck charging system will charge the battery on the 5th wheel while in tow? All my reading on our new Outback 296frs did not say anything about this and I must admit I`ve never herd of this before. NEW 5TH WHEEL OWNER STILL LERNING!!!
Yes, your truck will charge the FW battery(ies) while the truck is running. Fords will =not= maintain a hot connection when the truck is shut down. GMs =will= keep a hot connection with the truck shut down and, if you don't unplug, you do run the chance of running the truck's battery(ies) down (though this usually takes at least 24 hours, or more, to happen). Not sure about the RAM's connection.