steelpony5555 wrote:
That is my dilemma. We travel with ours and spend up to 1-2 months in it at a time. We would love to take our bike along but when you jump to a TH all you have to sit at is a couch and usually not a very comfortable one. Not to mention usually a smaller TV which a lot of the time is mounted over the doorway. The bedrooms and bathrooms are usually about the same. But for relaxing in the 5th wheel can't be beat with recliners and comfortable couch and usually a bigger TV. So for now we have to for-go the bike for the comforts of home.
I thought the same thing until I got walked into a Road Warrior 390 and a Cyclone 4000. Both have BIG tvs in the living room. Both can be ordered without living room furniture, but the factory does not give much of a credit. The Cyclone has a 50" tv in front of the couch. Installed furniture isn't bad either. Mine is supposed to arrive in 6 weeks or less. When I get tired of the factory furniture, I'll buy a Lazy Boy, but at least I won't have to leave the bike at home anymore.