OK finally got around to weighing...with the Bike AND **Full tank of water.
Had about 3/4 tank of fuel. Camper pulled awesome. Just like it's 1000 mile maiden voyage.
Running the numbers this is what I come up with.
**Bike + 115 gallons water= 1500 lbs on the nose. Although this doesn't add up. 115 gallons of water= 950 lbs. Literature on my Bike says it's 900 lbs wet. That means either I lost weight in the camper somehow (didn't take anything out except some clothes)
600 lbs of water= 72 gallons, which is a far cry from 115. I could see losing a couple gallons on the way, but 43 gallons? But that's a problem for another day.
Pin garage empty: 2,620 lbs (17.75%)
Pin Bike+water: 2,140 lbs (13.16%)
Delta of 1500 lbs added: 480 lbs removed from rear axle.
Steer axle remained the same no matter what: 5,120 lbs.
Drive axle truck only: 3,460 lbs
Drive axle empty trailer: 6,080 lbs
Drive axle loaded trailer: 5,600 lbs
So 1 of two things is happening. Either the truck does not like the extra 480 lbs on the drive axle or the trailer is much more "planted" with 1500 lbs (900 at least since it's not great with just water and no bike).
If I had time I would had dumped the fresh water and re-weighed.