Forum Discussion

DogTrainer's avatar
Jun 10, 2015

Trailer Covers

Bought my new fifth wheel and love it, rear living, 40 inch tv and theater seating. Towes great compared to my TT.

Question is covers, tired of scrubbing and cleaning TT all the time and want to protect my Outback Ultra lite 31 foot.

Camping world seems to sell two models, one for sun and one that repels water.

I want both, my main issue was fading but also the awning always getting wet on the ends and staining. then not coming clean.

who do i buy from and what do i buy, I would rather spend 300 every two years if needed but dont want water to permeate the cover.
  • I too am part of the group that started out with a cover, but it now sits stored in a large garbage can...the wind put holes in the corners the first year we had it for our 5ver- and we padded the corners, as we learned that when we covered out TT.

    It seemed to work slightly better on the TT, but not even close on the more. And yes, you need a good helper to put on and take off.
  • I have used an ADCO on our TT since it was new and it still looks perfect. There has never been any wear to corner nor does it trap moisture in like some (who have never used them) suggest. However, we don't get much wind - some but not much.
    Unless your in a very windy area, I strongly endorse a good cover. Get one that has Tyvek for the roof. They are much less likely to let water through.
  • Allworth wrote:
    After you get a cover, wind is your enemy. I gave up on covering two trailers and don't miss the thing one bit.


    I agree, after using a cover for three years, I was done!

    When I bought my new FW several years ago, I decided it was not worth the trouble to get another cover. No matter how good it was fastened down, the wind would have it flopping.

    It is not easy to put on/take off, unless you have a good helper.

  • After you get a cover, wind is your enemy. I gave up on covering two trailers and don't miss the thing one bit.
