laknox wrote:
After reading Randy's description of events, it makes me wonder if he had one of the Kidde extinguishers that's under recall and hadn't been replaced yet. He did say that it flat didn't work. If that's the case, it's a strong reminder to get those d@mn things swapped out!
Stock fire extinguisher is a joke to begin with. Do yourself a favor and purchase a larger capacity with a metal valve body instead of plastic. When I purchase a new RV I leave the fire extinguisher and mattress at the dealer and put my own in.
The other thing is most people don't have a clue how to properly use it, P.A.S.S. method. Had to have fire training every year for 30 years at my job along with C.P.R.
Unless the fire is in the incipient stage your best to get out. Fumes are extremely toxic.