Here's where I started on the battle of the wiring...
I have all the wires on both ends (truck side and pigtail side) connected to their matching colors (as I did all along). But there were the two colors left over, one on each side of the connection. Left over were Purple (pigtail side) and Orange (truck side). I know Purple on the pigtail side is for back up lights (which aren't used) and the Orange on the truck side is the 12v.
Here's where I am now... Upon a second look (more like 5th or 6th look), I noticed that the Black wire on the pigtail side is thicker gauge than the Black wire on the truck side... I have these two wires connected. I noticed that the gauge of the Black wire on the pigtail side is the same gauge as the Orange wire on the truck side...
Follow me so far ?
Is the Black wire on the pigtail side the 12v connection ? And if so, what the hell is the thinner gauge Black wire on the truck side ?
Why can't they just make a figgin adapter ! lol
Thanks !