Forum Discussion

kjk66ss's avatar
Nov 24, 2014

Transfer switch

How difficult it is to change out the transfer switch on my raptor 300mp? I have the service recall but I'm going out Wednesday till next week. And 4 of the closest dealers are booked till end of December. I can go pick a new one up if wiring is not too difficult.
  • Progressive Dynamic is a good brand.

    You are probably replacing one like this

    With this

    Just a different configuration.....same thing.

    Just follow instruction manual that came with your Progressive Dynamic
  • So as long as each of the 3 plugs go to the correct hot poles And to ground It shouldn't be too difficult. I have a brand new performanc dynamic 50 transfer switch. Is this box any good?

    Anyone know what keystone is replacing these with as part of the recall?
  • How handy are you with 120V AC wiring?
    Are you comfortable working with electrical?
    Do you understand how your RV transfer switch works?

    Wiring should be #6 which is tough to work with due to size...especially if previous install is in tight spot/wires short.
    Got to really man-handle it sometimes.

    you will have wiring from your plug coming into transfer switch
    you will have wiring from generator coming into transfer switch
    you will have wiring going to main AC Panel coming out of transfer switch

    disconnect wiring from switch terminals
    Removing wiring from transfer box
    reinstall in new box
    connect wiring to switch terminals

    label/take pictures.