Forum Discussion

Second_Chance's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 19, 2015

Travel day - 26 MPH winds forecast

We are scheduled to travel from the San Antonio area to Sonora, TX, on Saturday with the rig in the signature. There's another front coming through and winds for most of the day are forecast to be in the 24 - 26 MPH range. We need to be on schedule Sunday... would you leave tomorrow (and leave a paid-for night) to spend Friday and Saturday nights in Sonora while the front blows through or would you drive Saturday in the wind? I've towed for 40 years, but I'm new to something this high-profile. Any and all perspectives are appreciated.

  • I've routinely towed in 40+ MPH sidewinds with our rig, but the wider rear track of the dually offers additional stability. Having grown up in Odessa, a 24-26 MPH wind in West Texas doesn't even qualify as a stiff breeze. :)

    With that said, only you know how your rig responds to sidewinds, so ultimately it has to be your call.

  • If you have the time, I would leave early. Less stress and if the wind does get bad, you can either stop of back off the speed a bit and still be on schedule.