Forum Discussion

rving4us's avatar
Jun 06, 2017

Trip Mapping

Now that Microsoft streets and trips are no longer, has anyone found a suitable mapping software to take its place. I know maps are still the best, just looking for software to plan out the trip first.
  • I also use Google maps to plan a trip. If I know I'm going to or through an area with no data service (or want to save data) I'll download the offline map.

    Checking on weather for the route I've tried "Get There Dry"
  • I am still using my 2013 Streets and Trips. Then use a campground app and to find a CG to stay at when traveling to a destination.
  • Google Maps plus a GPS does everything I need. Add in Google Earth if I am going off the road.
  • I haven't used it yet but I hear that Google has something called Trips now. Otherwise I use the DeLorme software
  • Rand McNally Trip Maker is what I use because I can see the milage, and plan my stops.
    I have a Garmin 760 RV in the truck.