Forum Discussion

toyhauler556's avatar
Jul 14, 2018

trip planning

Hey guys, got a canadian here... bought a 34 foot toy hauler and planning to go from ontario to british columbia taking the trans canadian highway the whole way (no passing through the states). Trip is about 4700 kms and my question was if anyone has done the trip before? I did it once in my truck without towing anything so i didnt pay attention to bridge heights, my 5th wheel is a forrest river salem sport 32 srv toy hauler. Dimentions are 34.5 feet long, 12.2 feet high. Does anyone know off hand if there are any low bridges along that route that i would have to plan to avoid and find a way around? Also,,, i downloaded the co pilot truck gps app and im not sure if its decent or not, so any feed back from you guys/girls who have used it would be awesome.

Side note, Going through the states isnt an option for me as i misbehaved when i was younger and dont want to risk being turned away at the US border,

Thanks for the replies guys.
  • We have traveled across much of Canada on CAN 1. I do not remember any low bridges on our route. the road is built to handle the over the road trucks.
    Have a good safe trip!
  • I live in eastern Ontario and have travelled to Alberta a couple of times in two different fifth wheels taking both Hwy 11 and 17 routes through Ontario and have never encountered an issue with bridges. Went as far west as Banff.