Back to the lot this morning with the lowered hitch and the little ball guides for hook up. The guides worked great. Never had to twist to look back. hooked up with just looking in the rear view mirror. Easiest hook up I have ever had and this way I don't forget to lower the tail gate (hasn't happened yet but....). As for the lowered hitch, math doesn't lie. Lowered the hitch 2-1/2 inches and the rear of the trailer came up 1-1/2 inches and the front came down 2" The gap on the bed rails closed to 5-1/2 to 6". After a short drive I think I will be ok with that. I have torsion suspension on the trailer so raising it isn't an option at this time. Trailer sits 5-1/2" high in the front. That I think I can live with.