I saw the "Clear Stream 2" at Costco a few years ago - it was about $65.
Looks like a BBQ grill with a figure 8 in the middle.
Thought what the heck - let's see what it will do.
If it's no good back it will go.
This was at my S&B.
Same place since 1987 - all the super whammy over-the-air antennas never worked very well - poor reception, not all the avail chanels. Had to have cable or sat.
Maybe that could be chalked off to analog?
So....Didn't bother with a roof mount (figured it wouldn't do much anyway) - It's mounted about 15' off the ground on the facia.
I'm about 50-60 miles away from the LA (CA) network channels - gets them all just fine!
I've since seen the same antenna mounted at the top of RV ladders.
Nope - haven't tried one on the RV (yet) but this thread was a good reminder.
Be simple to put up & down -or- make a DIY fold-down..:C