Forum Discussion

phemens's avatar
Jun 14, 2018

Ultra Fab landing gear

I’m having some issues getting my current landing gear to work correctly (detailed in another thread), one of the things I’m considering is upgrading to a beefier set of legs and dual motors. I’ve added some weight to the front with new batteries, and while I’m not ready to correlate possible stripped/broken gear with that change, I figure if I’m go8ng to fix it, maybe better to fix it once and for all.
I’m looking at the Ultra-Fab deluxe landing gear, it’s good to 12k lbs (my rig tops out at just over 12k total), seems to have a bit more extension at 38 inches. Any experience with this equipment? The brackets seem ok with my current setup, they recommend 13.5 inches between for one of the configurations, which is what I have.
  • Bulldog legs "shake"? I've never seen that in all my usage of them. They raise my 15,000 lb. toyhauler effortlessly and quietly. Love 'em.

    The Bulldog system mounts the motors directly above the legs. Maybe you got them confused.
  • The only negative feedback I saw on the Bulldogswas that the motors tended to shake quite a bit during extension (and presumably retraction). The UltraFab seems to mount the motors directly above and has a very direct coupling, don’t know if that makes any difference in the end though.
  • I looked at both the UltraFab and the Bulldog system, and ended up going with the Bulldog. Very happy and satisfied with it.
  • What brand do you currently have? If you have Venture mfg legs, then its eady to convert.