Forum Discussion

GASA765's avatar
Apr 28, 2014

Underbelly Blew Out

We're about 20 miles outside of town heading for home, when the whole underbelly and insulation blew out. Took out bathroom valve cable. Brought back to the RV Superstore so they can restrap tanks and replace valve. They'll also strap water and electrical lines so we can get on down the road.
Also have calls in to Lippert and Forrest River regarding the continuing saga of the loosening lug nuts.
  • We had all wiring and water lines clinched up with electric ties and had the valve and cable replaced. Will have belly pans replaced when we get home. The remaining pan we had them screw it down with a bunch of screws.
    Having the lug nuts and stud pitch checked tomorrow.
  • GASA765 wrote:
    Did replace studs and lugs on wheel that blew out in Feb. Bought matching set from an RV repair shop.
    I'd bet a lot of money that the lug nuts you are trying to use are not matched to the wheels you're trying to use them on.

    All lug nuts are not the same. The radii are different. You really need to check those very closely, if they are not correct you have a potentially dangerous situation. The wheel can loosen up enough to possibly allow enough movement of the wheel that it could shear off a lug stud or two, or worst case scenario, all of them.

    The problem may develop that if you've been using the incorrect lug nuts, now the wheel could be deformed where the lug nut contact, and the correct lug nuts may not fit properly. IMO you have a pretty dangerous situation on your hands, and should be addressed at the earliest opportunity. Good luck.
  • WE-C-USA wrote:
    Within 15 miles after I picked up my new (04)Cedar Creek. 2 sections of the ABS underbelly, above the axle, came loose & was dragging the pavement. Dealer repaired it on the side of the road.
    A few years later I lost the front 2 sections. It happens once any screws comes loose & the wind gets under it.

    I really like the look of the abs underbelly on the CC, but I have always wondered if it might come loose.
  • My 06' came with the underbelly completely enclosed...going on 8 year's old and I've never had a piece come off on me....Guess it depends on how well they screw it to the frame.
  • Based on a post I found on this forum years ago, I secured the corrugated underbelly on my fifth wheel using 8' long lengths of 3/4" galvanized pipe (wiring conduit, I think it was). Crimp the ends flat, secure to the frame on each side of the trailer with self tapping screws. I think I installed one length of pipe every 3 or 4'. Never had any sagging or loose underbelly.
  • I had the same problem last winter on a mobile suites. I turned perpendicular to a strong wind, 5 miles later I noticed insulation blowing behind me in the mirror. Thought the whole end cap fell off. Wind had torn the front cover and it folded down and was dragging under the 5vr. Lost about 6' of batting, but amazingly, the plastic did not seem damaged. I folded it back into position, put in some sheetmetal screws and made it home. I then replaced the insulation, and used mobile home strapping, placing a screw about every 12" from side to side parallel with the cross framing. This replaced the 1" washers placed every 2 ' that the factory used! So far so good