Forum Discussion

Pholman90's avatar
Jul 14, 2015

Update 5th Wheel - Hitch issue

Just a quick update and please no debating over the brand of hitches. I received a message from Reese. This was their comment on the washer next to the handle:

The washers allow the latch to move but most importantly to adjust the latch to fit the actuating handle correctly.

The hitch was supposed to be new. Looks very abused in the pictures, so maybe they didn't put a new one on we won't ever know if you think a huge corporation is going to admit a mistake then I have some swamp land you might be interested in. It was Dealer installed. They have the old hitch I have a new one. I can't say 100% that we did everything right but we did learn a lot. I appreciate you all trying to help and your comments. I have printed out information that was posted and I have made a departure check list so we go through it before pulling out. We did before but this time on paper so we can visually see. I hope my experience will be able to help others. I think we can all take every precaution there is and we can double and triple check. I think the main thing is take your time and don't rush.

Again thank you!
  • CarlT100 wrote:
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a check list. Pilots use them regularly, item by item, even though they have done it hundreds of times.

    That's precisely WHY they have checklists, to counter complacency. We all get in a 'routine' and often end up missing something important. Checklists are a good thing!
  • Exactly. I have to remind people not to distract me while I am hooking up.
  • Ask nicely to be left alone while hooking up. You can help someone later or answer the question after you are finished.
  • Definitely use a check list, always do everything the same way in the same order! They say if you do something five times you get into a habit! You definitely want to be in a habit of doing the right thing every time! Good luck.
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with a check list. Pilots use them regularly, item by item, even though they have done it hundreds of times.
  • A new hitch looks like a new hitch. They don't come from the factory "abused looking"---surely you know that?