Forum Discussion

Red-Rover's avatar
Feb 10, 2014

Use for Battery Disconnect?

Waiting here in Northern Indiana for the weather to improve before taking delivery on a new 5er.
During my extensive shopping for a new unit, I noticed that all trailers had a battery disconnect switch. My 20 year old present unit has no such provision and I don't understand the need. Except for the times that my old trailer went into indoor winter storage, the battery never was disconnected. Is there parasitic power loss in the 12 volt system?
  • I use this - works great for me

    Amazon and Camping World carry them
  • One of the first additions I made to my trailer. Two weeks between bringing it home and my first trip, battery was dead. Now, along with turning the propane bottles off, I flip the switch to disconnect the battery. Easy enough, one less worry.
  • Yes.

    With all the electronics now, and also hard wired LP detectors, there is always parasitic loss.