Thanks everyone - OP here. I'm too tired to go back read everything I wrote but never meant to imply I don't use chemicals. After a trip I typically dump and then fill with a few gallons of water and a bag of blue powder. This has worked for the last 10 years. After dumping I don't put any waste in the tank until the next trip out.
As for the big problem at hand it seems to be taken care of for now. Before leaving today I filled the black tank with fresh water to wash around while driving then dumped upon arrival, filled with a few gallons of water and a bag of blue powder. The smell is gone. I don't know what caused it but am suspicious of one of my kids dropping something before we got home 6 weeks ago or while the RV was parked. I've never smelled anything like this...... it wasn't a poop smell at all. It was more a sharp gassy smell. Maybe I need to get my kids to the doctor :)
It brings up an interesting question though - how do you leave the black tank when stored? I've just always thrown a few gallons of water in it with a bag of chemicals. I never knew they lost potency. Even if they do, with no waste what's the harm?