We ALWAYS pick our dog's poop up; it is just a matter of when. We were once parked in a state park that was in direct line to the restrooms. Never mind that a pathway was 20 feet away. We normally do not park in that type of site, but it was all we could get.
Every morning my wife would let our two retired racing Greyhounds, out on short leads, attached to the camper. She could do this without going outside, as the leads were on a hook right next to the door.
After she did that, she would finish dressing, which takes her about 5 minutes. (I know that is hard to believe, but she does not use makeup at all.) She then goes outside with the dogs and cleans up.
This particular morning, she let the dogs out and before she could get back outside, a guy, walked through our site, moved a chair and walked UNDER our awning. Right past the awning, there was a pile of poop just waiting. You guessed it, he stepped in it!!! He had the audacity to complain to the rangers!
A ranger stopped by and I apologized but had to show him the location and how the man stepped in it. He said with a laugh: “You still must pick up after your dog.” I assured him that we would, but it was a matter of timing.
I still think this was justice, and hope that self-important little man learned a lesson. He did not cut through our site for the rest of the weekend however.