Forum Discussion

moll672's avatar
Aug 11, 2015

Wall too hot next to fridge flue vent

Found that an area of the panel wall next to fridge vent/flue is getting very warm when fridge runs on propane. As a retired firefighter it is hot enough to make me concerned. Continual heating to a lower than ignition temperature can, over time, cause the ignition temp of a material to be lowered. The process is called pyrolysis. Temp was such that I didn't want to hold my hand on it for more than 2 seconds.
Had a look at flue from back side of fridge and it looks as though there is fibreglass insulation in the area of concern. Thinking that this is the problem by holding in the heat instead of a clear air space all around the flue pipe. Would have to take roof cap off to get at insulation, so not a 5 minute job. However seriously thinking this is the way to go as concerned about temp. Anyone out there come across same problem
  • My solution was the opposite, I removed the inadequate fiberglas insulation and installed rigid foam board insulation. Two 3/4 inch thick layers, first layer cut to fit tightly between the 3/4 inch framing and second layer even covering the framing. This keeps the heat away from the paneling and creates the best chimney effect to pull air thru the coils and heat out the upper vent. This makes the frig. operate better and keeps the interior of the RV cooler at the same time. Two benefits, but I had to remove the frig. to insulate the entire cabinet, so it is definitely not a 5 min. job.
  • I too thought my vent was too warm and I took the vent cover off and found insulation and a small hunk of roofing material laying on top of the coils. Good attentive workers. ( Hurry UP da** it, there's another one coming right behind this one) Any chance your refer is in a slide out that has a fan. Your fan may not be working.
  • Cooling Unit flue should NOT be in contact with any part of fridge opening/compartment.

    Flue should be fully insulated and covered in a metal shield with insulation material between it and fridge compartment structure

  • I had the same problem, different application. The paneling above the fridge was warmer than I thought it should be so I removed the vent cover on the roof. About a five minute job as I remember.(: When the trailer was built they didn't staple the insulation well enough in the flue and it folded over against the opposite side, cutting off the venting heat. Luckily it wasn't too far down from the roof that I could reach it with a stapler. I hope your fix is this easy...
  • Add fans in a mask under the rain cap. If you wish to be fancy, add a thermostat so they will cut in.
  • (Already covered in post above. Faster at key board I guess)

    Pull some insulation out from around flue and put a propane torch to it to see how flammable it is, to put yourself at ease.

    And I have no idea how leaves get under screen on top of frig roof cap but take a look there also. You'll be surprised.
  • There have been numerous post with pics where people have opened up the wall and found badly scorch wood panels in their flue areas. Try and use a flashlight and mirror to see if you can see up in the flue are as to what's going on, or take the flue cap on the roof off and inspect the area that way.
  • Our 20 year old 5th wheel has a compartment above the refrigerator and a pantry area to the right. Both get warm. At first I was concerned but the temp was never more than 100 degrees. 20 years later never a problem.