Your garden variety hose is not labeled 'potable water' use.
The old regular garden hose fittings can leach lead, the hose material can leach chemicals used during mfg. of hose, chemicals from hose material can leach.
'Potable Water' labeled hose is 'safe' to drink from.
Of course anyone my age drank from the rubber hose in front yard on a hot day....we also rode around in the back of pickup truck beds, didn't wear seat belts, didn't wear helmets (bike/motorcycle) or numerous other examples of things that have improved health/well being
Buy a couple of 25' 'potable water' hoses......for filling fresh water tank
Buy another hose or hoses of any type to be used for GENERAL water needs----washing rv, rinsing black tank out with, spraying dogs/kids etc.