d-mac1 wrote:
I think my tanks's design is crappy...made worse by how my vent line is ran. The vent connects high on the side of the tank so it goes underwater before the tank is full. Granted its pretty full, but jot maxed. Is that how everyone's is? I would have thought that the vent comes off the top.
Then, my vent line runs down, along the corroplast toward the front of the trailer where it then runs up to a vent that is higher than my tank. When filling the tank, once some water gets in the vent line, it is plugged until enough pressure builds up in the tank to blow the water out the vent. Is anyone else's like that?
When I first got my trailer, the vent hung down under the trailer and it would siphon. On my first trip, we got to camp with about 3/4 tank of water....hence the reroute up, but it still siphons....so I installed a shut-off on the vent.
Man, I think I'd find some way to move the vent line to the top of the tank. That's, as you say, "crappy" design work.