the bear II wrote:
We instruct our friends and family on how to conserve water if they travel with us and we are staying in sites with no water hook ups.
1. Use the campground restrooms if possible
2. Don't leave any faucet or shower running. Only turn it on when you need water.
3. For the shower, turn the water on get wet, turn the water off and soap up, turn the water on to rinse off.
4. Use paper plates and plastic utensils so you don't have to wash.
5. Wash dishes using a dish pan for soapy water and a second for rinse water (or the two halves of the sink).
6. Some folks use the rule for the toilet "If it's yellow let it mellow, If it's brown flush it down" We don't but we do conserve water when flushing.
The goal is to use a little of water as possible.
In a site with full hookups they can use water like they do at home.
When there is a sewer connection and water hookup.... Leave the grey tank valve open and keep the black tank valve closed until it needs to be dumped.
5A. Use the dish water to flush the toilet