Forum Discussion

RobWNY's avatar
Jun 23, 2020

Waterproofing the 1/8" thick exposed plywood

On the inside wall area of the outside kitchen, pass though storage compartment and propane tank areas of my 5th Wheel, there is exposed plywood or paneling type material. The most concerning would be where the propane tanks are mounted because it's open underneath and spray will get in there if traveling when it's raining or there's wet roads. Sooner rather than later it will rot. I'd like to avoid that before it starts. Any ideas what I should do to protect it?

  • Ouch. That is not good.
    I think the best way is to have it and rthe surounding area sprayed with bedliner.
    Next best would be the DIY bedliner in a can. I have done a wood floor in a cargo trailer with it, and it worked great,,, But since you are working upside down, I think it would be hard to do a good job. Perhaps they make that stuff in a spray can now? Whatever you do, wear PPE! eyes, and breathing protection!