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ford_truck_guy's avatar
Apr 03, 2017

Waxed the fiver

I took full advantage of the warm weather today, broke our the scaffolding and waxed everything but the front and rear caps...

My plan is to do the rear cap one night, and the front another...Boy do I love full body paint ! :B
  • Chiefcpo wrote:
    FTG, what wax did you use? Thanks in advance.

    And Edd505 - -

    I used this --

    I get it from Auto goes on nice, and comes off really nice ! . . I put it On with an orbital, and I take it off by hand with green terry soft towels that I also get from auto geek... they are a bit expensive, but they are the best i have ever used to remove wax.

    Here is a link to the towels I use - Auto geek towels
  • Ok whet kind of wax. I tried Nu Finish today on the TV the 5W is next.
  • FLY 4 FUN wrote:
    I learned last year that our 5er is a good 3 day wax job...with beer and advil on the side for the sore arms. Hard work but looking at yours its worth the effort.


    It's normally a 6 day job... upper half of 1 side one day...then then lower half the next day. ..repeat . . Then a cap per day. I can usually get only 1 cap per day because I work away from the sun... the front is in sun in the AM... and nice and shady in the PM
  • ScottG wrote:
    Woo boy, that's a big job. I usually take a day per side and my TT is about half that size.
    Nice job!

    Thanks Scott.... i usually take the better part of a week... but my work schedule is tough, and we leave on our first trip 1 week from today... I had to say to myself " suck it up buttercup"...
  • Woo boy, that's a big job. I usually take a day per side and my TT is about half that size.
    Nice job!
  • I learned last year that our 5er is a good 3 day wax job...with beer and advil on the side for the sore arms. Hard work but looking at yours its worth the effort.
