bluebuggy36 wrote:
Thanks for the input guys I think I'm going to order 14k bars next week. If I go some place this weekend I will get a better pic.
I'm hitch is eaz-lift the head says 1400 lbs so if I just order the bar it will fit? The bars I have now have 1.5 dim should the new ones be the same? Thanks again guys
I would think so but it's been a long time since I had a bumper pull. Used to be all hip on the Eaz-Lift brand, knew the family that invented/built/sold them, they sponsored some drag boats that my Dad was involved with (no ours but still around them), family was Mathison, the old man (gone years before I was around them) invented the WD hitch. Prior to WD hitches they used spring loaded wheels at the tongue to carry the extra weight (watch Lucy's Long Long Trailer sometime and you'll see them).