Unfortunately, face to face sales can be dangerous now days in California.
If you list it on Craigslist, RVtrader.com, Ebay or other site, always meet prospective buyers in daylight and have another person with you. One would act as a lookout from a secure spot ready to call 911. Setup a signal you can use to show all is OK or need help.
If the buyer has others with them, don't let them in your house. Try to complete the transaction inside the RV with just the buyer and where your lookout can see you. Many thefts have occurred inside a house while a sales transaction is going on, a friend of the buyer will ask to use the bathroom and ransact bedrooms. They will leave quickly with some excuse like they forgot their wallet at home and will be back.
Consignment is safer but you can lose money in commission. Be sure to get their marketing plan in writing. You want to go with a dealer that will advertise your RV and try to bring in buyers. Most will just park on their lots and wait for buyers.
If it's a popular model or is equipped with lots of popular options, go back to the dealer you bought it from they may offer a decent price because they know they can move it.
Post flyers in all RV resorts and campgrounds in your area.