Forum Discussion

ramyankee's avatar
Feb 04, 2016

Well, we finally bought... Have a question

Patti got the bug and we have been doing some searching, researching and today went to shop and she saw the one that has been first on her list.
We bought the Cougar 284RDB, Bunk. I was not the biggest fan of Bunks but now that we have 4 GREAT Grandchildren and another close and two Grandchildren that are still young enough we thought we would jump...
My question is, they want you to get all those options on purchase, the wax stuff and protection for the inside and out. To make it last longer. Quite a pocket full of change to get it done. I say nope, too much money. Is that the consensus here. Cost is $1195... Now if it were $11.95 I might say yes.
Then there is the GAP coverage, "insurance they call it". A couple of others we will not do either.
Thanks for any input

ALSO, it has a queen bed. Is it probably a 60x80 size?
  • The wax stuff on the outside is a polymer caoting. Same as Rejex, Simoniz Ice or Nu Finish. You can do this yourself for under $20.00.
    On the inside they spray the fabric and carpet with a 3M Scotchguard type product. Once again under $20.00. They make a HUGE profit on this junk..If they push too hard I would walk and buy someplace else...

  • I always tell them no for that kind of stuff, but it's your money and we have no right to say how you should spend it. The queen bed size is something to ask the dealer since rv type queen beds sometimes are shorter than 80 inches. Here's hoping you have many great times with your DW and grand kids in your new Cougar.
  • No way don't buy that stuff. Like an automobile dealer they may have 30.00 in that stuff and I am sure you could put wax on It yourself.