Forum Discussion
- HammerboyExplorerI just learn to ignore the bashers and grow thicker skin, it's easy to hide behind the keyboards typing snarky comments and i'll admit I threw a few out there as well. And who cares if a question has been asked a million times, every time asked we may learn a little more and if it bothers you that it's been asked again simply ignore the post.
Dan - 2oldmanExplorer II
MFL wrote:
Been there.
I didn't feed him after that. - MFLNomad IIJust yesterday, had agreed with an elderly member's post. After fluffing him up a little he came back SHOUTING a bunch of nonsense. I just had to call him out, and yup, he came back whining about me disagreeing with his all knowing post, said he didn't care, but obviously he did. I didn't feed him after that.
Jerry - 2oldmanExplorer II
2012Coleman wrote:
Lucky for you, but many if not most of us do.
I don't get the issues many are stating they have - I personally don't have an issue with this forum layout or presentation. I use ad and script blocking addons on firefox. People should experiment with that rather than post the 50th time about how the software sucks.
I don't think it's reasonable for people to have to change their browsers or operating systems because of the myriad problems this forum can't seem to fix. Change the portal they use.. yeah, but don't expect much more than that.
I got a Service Unavailable error just posting this.
Who's the #1 troll? - 2012ColemanExplorer IINo matter what social media site your talking about - no one uses the search function to find an answer to their question. It's like those commercials where one person expects his friend/neighbor to research and get quotes for home improvements. It is much easier to ask the question, and watch the responses roll in.
I used to answer questions about RV covers on here and have recommended the same electrician/plumber/moving company on a familiar neighborhood social network site. some on here - 2Oldman comes to mind, sometimes searches and posts links to the results. I've just stopped participating ion those subjects - don't even bother reading them.
I've also stopped asking for help because I'm tired of patching my flame suit - can't post a joke in ATC - it just gets deleted. Rampant trolls are allowed to exist - the latest one changed user names 3 times, and still spouted the same gibberish about Lippert - saying the same things under all 3 names - and it was tolerated.
I've joined the Grand Design Owners forum, and the one that spawned from it - so now I have two great places to go and find answers to my questions from people who have similar experiences and the same issues. I don't have to read about junk this and junk that, no one shares links to RV related crashes and deaths, and the mood there is - well, just better.
I don't get the issues many are stating they have - I personally don't have an issue with this forum layout or presentation. I use ad and script blocking addons on firefox. People should experiment with that rather than post the 50th time about how the software sucks. I even like this layout better than the one at GD.
Someone said they don't like it when new members don't come back. Read the post from a new guy who's first post asked about quiet generators - first response was that all generators were loud - obviously stemming from some experience in a CG packed like sardines. No wonder people don't come back. If you post about something you did wrong, you will be told how stupid you are.(done that - been told that)
I no longer want to post about the fun I had on my last trip, or any positive experiences - someone will come along and throw shade on you - I've dubbed these people the wolf pack. Always on the prowl looking for fresh meat to chew on.
So I come here to shoot the Sh#t and sometimes help out, but that's it. Maybe with the recent jettison of the #1 troll, things will improve and I'll have an attitude adjustment.
Good luck to this site - maybe it will get better. - TXicemanExplorer IIAnother reason for a downturn. The ones that have been on here for a while, simply get tired of the same questions year after year. The new folks think they are the first to ask a particular question and never think to use the search function.
I know that I am guilty of scanning over the new post and don't bother to answer a lot of the post, especially if it has already been answered by several people.
Another issue is the 3 month new RVers that answer questions as if they are the new self proclaimed expert.
Ken - ACZLExplorerI agree w/ a lot of the replies/reasons as to why things are the way they are. I've been bashed plenty of times, but have big shoulders. It is a shame that we don't see as many pages like we use to, but in reality, do we really need half dozen pages? Can always use the search box unless info only stays so long in system before it's deleted as well. I have gathered a TON of helpful info from this site and YES it is a PITA on the connectivity side of things and there should be NO reason for it in this day/age. Can go along w/ basic maintenance at times, but all the time????
- fj12ryderExplorer IIII visit several forums, including a couple of RV forums, and the RV forums are just like this one: same of the same subjects gone over lots of times with people bashing other people. IOW nothing significantly different from this one.
If you accept the fact that RVing is attracting younger people, that could be part of the reason. I don't believe the younger people care for the structured environment of forums such as this. And they aren't that crazy about FB either AFATG. And I also don't think they're thin-skinned enough to be bothered by some unasked for advice and opinions.
"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose". - garyp4951Explorer IIIYes the keyboard bullies here scared a lot of people away sadly, and made it hard to ask for advice on some topics.
Fifth wheels are pretty much problems just waiting to happen, so there is always going to be people who need advice, including me. DutchmenSport wrote:
There were several months, especially earlier this year, where, no matter what was posted, there was a rash of bashing going on. Not just bashing the subject at hand, but actually bashing the poster. This is why I dropped off for a while. I noticed, beginning around January of this year that posts were way down. OK, so maybe I went over-board, but decided to post responses on virtually anything I had some kind of personal experience with or first hand knowledge, regardless of how many time the same subject came up in the past, or who was asking the question. Anything to keep the forums alive.
It seems the more I posted the nastier some folks got. And it wasn't just me, it was some other folks too that were getting hit pretty hard. Moderators didn't make any sense at that time, seemed to let thing slip through, were deleting that that didn't make a whole lot of sense.
On top of that, the forums themselves have been having problems for quite a while. There was the Captcha issue going on for the longest time (which I've not run into for quite a while), then later the on-going "An error has occurred" problem.
Then there were those posters who gave their formal "farewells" to the forums for many reasons including, their age and giving up RVing, selling their RV and not replacing them, personal bashing, connectivity issues with the forum sites and issues with the forum sites. Others seem to have just quietly stepped aside. I think folks are reading the forums, but are extremely reluctant to post anything for negative rebuttal reasons.
But, you are correct. Activity (actual posting) is way down.
Meanwhile, die-hards like myself keep coming back, keep posting, keep putting anything on here to help keep the electricity turned on. I'd hate to see these forums completely die because of in-activity, so I'm doing my best (even if I am long winded!)
I agree with Dutchman, The amount of bashing had hit an all time HIGH , no matter what the subject was.. In it's heyday, It was 5-6 pages, a few days ago it was 1... NEVER has it been 1...
I m NOT a facebook fan, don't have an account, but I do frequent 2 other manufacturer forums and the posting is down there as well with no bashing..
Either way, I'll continue to add what can here...
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