RKW wrote:
Just got back from a Colorado Springs trip yesterday. As I was approaching a truck coming from the opposite direction, I could see it was towing something, but I couldn't figure out what I was looking at. As the tow combo went by I saw it was a 5th wheel trailer with the nose so high in the air that it looked like it was pulling a wheelie! It was the most bizarre sight I've ever seen.
Yup, that is how the dealers set them up in todays world. Hook that puppy up and get it out of the lot. On to the next sale. If you go into those dealers and ask hard questions you will find out most of the sales people never have RV'd. Most know nothing about setting up 5vers, & TTs. They just sell them and get you out the door as quick as possible. I csn remember back in the 60s. I drove in my F150. They wouldn't sell me a TT or 5ver. Those days are gone.