Forum Discussion

chriscothekid's avatar
Aug 06, 2013

what to buy

we are retiring to the road in the spring. We dont buy new cars or rv's. our question; If we can afford 30,000 to 40,000 thousand for our used unit, are we better off to buy a 'moderate' quality unit that is newer (2008, 2009), or should we buy a bit older 5th wheel that is one of the better quality units, but a bit older? We own a fairly new Chev, 1 ton, duramax. We have owned a 2006 31 foot hitchhiker 11 for about 8 years and have loved it.
Thanks for any advice.
  • I've been told that for going to the national parks being there are older and have more smaller lots you sould not go over 35'. I am trying to stay between what you have 31'to 35. As far as the 10 year rule. I've been told as long as you call and make your reservations if they don't ask age then you can stay there at that park. Your Nuwa sounds like it is in really good shape should have no problem. What some of the KOA's do limit how old your f'ver is. I would not try to stay at a KOA, unless they do not ask how old your trailer is. Plus KOA's are more expensive to camp at.
    I am sure some of the more seasonal veteran's will chime in with there inputs.
    Have you thought of joining the Nuwa owners Forum at
    Check it out if you interested. They have a lot of good folks over there on that forum. Can answer a lot of question along with on Open Roads Forum here.
    Hope that helps. Good luck.
  • you experienced Rvers will know. If we go cross country, does the 10 old rule really apply, or is it a method of getting rid of the "dogs". If our unit is well maintained and 12 years old will we generally be able to stay? One other question, how about length? If we snow bird, or full time she is going to be happier in a 36' unit (which seems to measure 40'). Are we excluding a lot of parks with that big of a unit, or can we use the Good Sam Woodalls campground directory to protect ourselves?
  • Montana should be on the list. It has been the best selling fifth wheel for many years.
  • I would keep the trailer and use the money to update your coach. New paint, flooring, and anything else that's needs repair or replacement. You love your trailer and probably have worked out all of the bugs. Enjoy it and save your money. Just a thought.
  • If you find a use Newmar don't hesitate to buy .They made first class trailers
  • If your 2006 31 foot hitchhiker 11, is still in really good shape. Why change and spend the 30 to 40K on a new, older Fiver? You already have the tow vehicle set to the NuWa. Check the tires if they are in need to be replaced.
    Just my 2c.
    I am lookng to buy A used NuWa when i come out on the road in four years. Will be looking for a 13 NuWa the last year they were made.
    Good luck, see you down the road.
  • Why not another HH? NuWa has an outlet center with both new and reconditioned Hitchhikers. I think I would have a hard time looking at something other than a NuWa product.

  • If you look at Sunnybrooks, get one pre 2006. I owned a Sunnybrook. It was a fine trailer, but I would not classify it as a full time camper.
  • I would add Glendale Titanium, Carriage Cameo, Sunnybrook and Arctic Fox to that list. Don't be afraid to buy a brand that is no longer in business, virtually all the appliances etc are made by companies that are still around.
  • You will be disappointed if you don't buy a 5th wheel of comparable construction to the Hitchhiker.

    But, that's a short list.

    Look at pre owned Excel, DRV and NuWa.