johntank wrote:
WE-C-USA wrote:
While transporting a Blue Boy, Honey Wagon or etc. Where do you carry it? I recently bought a 32 gal Barker & it fits between the hitch and tailgate. Any other ideas on where to carry a 25-42 gal. tank.
Lots of air turbulence between hitch and tailgate so it needs to be tied/bungeed down good, I carried mine there one year.
I now carry it under the 5er like kakampers does.
Great point here about turbulence. I traveled with ours in front of the hitch one time. After watching it hover in mid air for about 10 miles It now is stored in the front compartment with the batteries. I will see if I can find the video as my wife took a minute or so of Blue Boy doing it Houdini thing in the air!