Lifted trucks are, generally speaking, not friendly with 5th wheels. The two areas that you will negatively affect are:
1. Insufficient fifth wheel front overhang to truck bed rail clearance. I've been towing 5th wheels since 1996, and the rule of thumb I've gone by is 6" minimum clearance with 8" preferred.
2. Inability for the 5th wheel to be level front-to-rear when hitched to the truck. Aside from potential problems with unequal axle loading and unhappy absorption refrigerators, this can lead to chucking, surging and other undesirable towing manners.
You could lift the 5th wheel with a 6" subframe between the suspension and frame, but then you'd have to deal with the higher center of gravity and the 6" greater distance between the bottom step and ground level, in addition to potential vertical clearance problems due to the additional 6" added to the height.